Thursday, 20 March 2014

Disabled people in New Zealand

In year 2006, an estimated 660,300 New Zealanders reported a disability, or 17 per cent of the total population, that had some kind of long-lasting physical, sensory, mental or other functional impairment that limited their ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal.(Zealand 2007)
Disability increases with age. In 2006, the prevalence of disability ranged from 10 percent of children (0–14 years) to 45 percent of people aged 65 years and over.

For children with disabilities, conditions or health problems that existed at birth and disease or illness were the most common causes. Disease or illness, accidents or injuries and ageing were the most common causes of disability for adults.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

New proposal accepted

My new proposal had been accepted by my lecturer Mr Niranjan.
I choosing the disabled driving.
Mr Niranjan ask me keep working on the disabled and I will find out the problem.

New Idea Title

Here are some new title for my proposal
1. Road accident
2. Vehicle security system
3. Disabled driving

Sunday, 16 March 2014

After meeting with lecturer

After meeting with my lecturer Mr Niranjan, and he ask me to think 3 industry title and extract it, using mind map method.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

First Proposal

My first proposal is rejected.
So I going to think another idea.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Project proposal 1

My first project idea is develop a wheel protector using the proximity sensor technology to protect the mag wheel from curb damage. This project idea is to inform the driver the wheels is going to scrape on the curb during the parallel parking. The proximity sensor which use either electromagnetic or ultrasonic sensor. This sensor will design to place on the wheel arch. As for the sensor position, I need to carry out the experiment to find out where is the best location to place the sensor. I also need to find out the best solution to let the driver easy to use this product.