Wednesday 21 May 2014


The figure above is the email that I sent to post office in Malaysia, to question about the disabled parking user registration, but they no reply my email. 

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Design (Layout)

Before design the disabled parking space, I will first to combine all the parking space together. It means, all the disabled parking space in a shopping mall will be merging together; it can also cut down the buildup cost, time of maintenance and easy to manage the disabled parking system.

Figure above is the concept design layout of the disabled parking system. The disabled parking area is fully enclose, so the vehicle only can be drive into the parking lot with one entrance. As you can see on the figure above in the red circle, is the ANPR camera. It monitor every single vehicle that come in the parking lot.

Tuesday 13 May 2014


Before design the parking system, I will choose the public places to put in the parking system. It is because there are more people, and more parking space and also more parking abuser in the public places. So I decided place the parking system into the shopping mall.

I have choose three major shopping mall in my area, which are Jusco Tebrau City, KSL City Mall and City Square. And the google map below is the location of the three major shopping mall.

Disabled Parking Specification

On the below above is the design of the parking lot for the disabled parking system. The software I using is Microsoft Vison Professional. The dimensions of parking lot is follow the Malaysian Standard 1184:2002, it is the code of Practice on Access for Disabled people to public building.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Scenario 2

My second scenario is automatic number plate recognition system (ANPR). It is a car number plate verify system to verify the car number plate. The system include camera and computer. Disabled people’s vehicle must be register their vehicle number plate in to the computer before using the disabled parking space. When the non-disabled people’s vehicle park in the disabled parking space, the computer will list out the abuser’s vehicle plate number and giving them penalty ticket by post.
The figure above is the scenario 2 design, the ANPR camera is located on the front of the parking space.

Scenario 1

My first scenario is parking gate. This gate is using the radar detector to detect the chip located inside the vehicle to open the gate. When the vehicle near the parking space, and the radar detector detected the chip, the computer will signal the gate to open, and the vehicle can park in the space. When the car leave, the radar can’t detect any chip signal, and the computer will signal the gate to close.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Problem Review

Base on the research above me had found the problem in the transportation of disabled people. The major problem their facing now is the non-disabled abuse the disabled parking space.
There are several types of abuse of disabled parking space:
  1. Parking without an appropriate permit.    
  2. Abuse the permit by non-disabled person.
  3. Counterfeit a permit in order to park illegally.